A little Re-Vamp & Re-Brand

Oh blog…how I’ve missed you so….


It’s been almost 4 months since I last posted and I miss it! Life happens, things get hectic, but the whole reason I started this blog was to use it as a “diary” to document my goings-ons in life!

Originally I started “triwithjoy” to document my triathlon training, race reports, and life in between. I had a good 4-5 year run with triathlon and it was great. Now, don’t misunderstand, I haven’t hung my triathlon hat completely, and my fitness journey never stopped. I just have been training differently, and have no major triathlons on my race schedule this year (so far).

If you know me, you know that Orangetheory Fitness has been my main training/exercise program for the past year. My husband and I have been blessed with the opportunity to open 2 OTF studios and they have both been very successful (praise God)!


I started my training to become a certified OTF coach late last spring and began coaching 2 classes a week this past summer. Recently, I have added 2 more classes to my coaching schedule and have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my love for fitness with our members.


It may sound cliche, but we truly are a family at our studios; both with staff and members. It’s been amazing!


As far as “race schedules” go, I had high hopes to sign up for Ironman Texas 70.3 in Galveston. I was all pumped and fired up to start HIM training again, but it turns out the race won’t fit in with my life schedule. I still will try to get to the pool 2 times a week, and REALLY MISS riding my bike outdoors. However, I am going to participate in the Harlingen Half Marathon on February 10, and just began training for that race (one “long run” a week along with 5 OTF classes a week).

As you can see, I changed my Tagline and Blog title to “Beauty & Joy”. I thought that I might “re-brand” this blog to be more broad; a lifestyle blog if you will. I’d like to include fashion, beauty, fitness, and inspiration on this blog. And I do promise to update more consistently!