The Other Side

Yesterday I had the time of my life cheering on my friends and other runners for the Brownsville Historic half marathon. I pulled all the stops; brought out Flora the Flamingo, my feather boa, cowbell, rockin’ playlist, & mimosas of course!


I know how much I appreciate spectators when I’m racing, especially if they’re making fools of themselves. It takes your mind off of the pain, even if just for a little while. This upcoming weekend I’ll be out there swimming, biking, and running, and I’m so glad the Longhorn course is a 3 loop run, so I’ll never feel alone. The spectators are awesome at this race, and they really do keep me going.

It was really nice to be on “the other side” of the race & making people smile!


6 days out from Longhorn 70.3! Race/Taper week!




Magic In Misery




I came across this quote on pinterest and I liked it a lot. If you know me, you know that running is not my favorite. The only reason I run is because it’s part of triathlon. I have friends who absolutely LOVE to run and I never understood them. Running beats me up; as I run I’m aware of the aches, pains, bruised toes/ toenails creeping in. My heart rate rises, my throat goes dry, I start sniffling and coughing…

But this past Saturday morning, I set out for my last long run before Longhorn 70.3. I wasn’t sure if I would end up running 6…8…or 10 miles. I just was going to run off of how I felt. Luckily, it was not such a terribly humid morning, and as I hit 4 miles I started to look around and notice the beauty of the sunrise. I also noticed my breathing was still easy and steady, and that my legs felt fine underneath me.

4 miles turned to 6…and I still felt fine. 6 miles turned to 7…8…and finally 9! I was satisfied with 9 miles (more than I expected I would run) and was pleased to feel not as beat up as usual.

The reason I kept running was because I took my mind out of what I was feeling physically, and started to send up grateful prayers. A year ago (while training for this same race) I was in a lot of pain with my tendonitis. This year, (knock on wood) the pain is gone. I took time to thank God for the renewed motivation He has restored in my heart. I feel confident and ready for this year’s Longhorn.

Yesterday was my last long ride and I participated in the Rotary Ride. 56 miles from Brownsville to Port Isabel and back. It was beautiful weather and minimal wind, so it was ideal conditions for a long ride.



13 days out til Longhorn 70.3! It’s time to ease up on the training and begin the tapering (yesssss)!


