Fake it ’til You Make it


Well, September has flown by! Went on an amazing trip to San Francisco with my family & we had an absolute blast. Got to see the 49ers win their opening game too, which was an awesome way to kick off the season.

Back to reality & training for Longhorn 70.3. I’m about 5 weeks out and I’m feeling semi-unprepared. Ever since IMTX I have struggled to get my mind and body back into the training mode. I’ve tried to kick it back up since last week, but haven’t been able to ride my bike outdoors because my schedule’s been too busy. So I’ve just been riding my trainer in the garage (hot), and teaching my RPM class.

I’m also trying to up my running miles but this humidity is seriously killer. Even starting my run before 5:00am, it’s still 80 degrees out! Tomorrow I planned an EARLY long run (10 miles) with some friends who are training for the New York Marathon. So far, my longest run has been 6 miles, but I know if I pace myself, I’ll be able to do 10 miles alright.

Swimming has been alright, I’ve fit in 2 swims a week, but ideally I’d like to be swimming 3x a week.  As long as I’m getting in the water consistently, I’m confident about my swim.

So to sum it up, I’m just going into this year’s Longhorn 70.3 with the “Fake it ’til you make it” mentality. I know that I’ll do what I need to do to be prepared in the next 5 weeks, and get my excitement and motivation up when race time comes. It is noticeably different when I’m training on my own (without my girlfriends), but I just have to remember how exciting and exhilarating it feels to cross that Austin finish line.

This race is no joke, and the first year I did it (2014) it was scorching hot, last year it was windy/choppy/freezing, so who knows what this year will bring. Either way, you know I’ll do my best to TRI WITH JOY!

